Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic panels, are devices designed to absorb sunlight as a source of energy for generating electricity. These panels consist of an assembly of solar cells, which convert light into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. Solar panels are an effective way to harness renewable energy from the sun, which can be used directly or stored in a battery for later use. The efficiency of solar panels can vary depending on several factors such as the quality of the solar cells, the angle and direction of installation, and the intensity of sunlight. Solar panel datasheets measure performance using the following parameters:
- Nominal Power (Pmpp): This refers to the maximum power that solar panels can produce under standard test conditions. It is measured in Watts and is an important parameter when comparing different solar panels.
- Max-Power Voltage (Vmpp): This is the voltage at which the solar panel produces the most power. It is determined by the panel's construction and the intensity of the sunlight, and measured in Volts.
- Max-Power Current (Impp): This is the current (measured in Amperes) at which the solar panel produces its maximum power. It is also dependent on the intensity of the sunlight and the construction of the panel.
- Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc): This is the voltage that the solar panel produces when it is not connected to any load. The Voc must be less than the maximum solar voltage permitted by the solar-charge controller.
- Short-Circuit Current (Isc): This is the current that flows through the solar panel when its output terminals are short-circuited. The Isc + 20% is recommended to determine the required current handling capacity of a compatible solar-charge controller.

Technical Database
Victron Solar Panel 305W-20V Mono 1658x1002x35mm Series 4b - Min. 4 buy