Wide-Area Connectivity (WAC) solutions aim to provide network connectivity over large outdoor areas. These solutions address the challenges of delivering reliable communications in expansive environments such as agricultural properties, mine sites, wind farms, and national parks. Technologies employed may include a combination cellular networks, point-to-multipoint, mesh networks, and LEO communications to extend coverage beyond traditional limits. Infrastructure such as trailers, skids, and towers are also commonly used.

Good Wide-Area Connectivity solutions are characterised by their ability to provide consistent coverage across challenging terrains and environments. The process begins with a comprehensive coverage area analysis and signal propagation modeling to predict and optimise coverage. Superior solutions have good fade margins to account for environmental factors, ensuring resilience against harsh conditions like extreme weather. They incorporate reliability measures through redundant or self-healing links, surge protection, and robust equipment.

Well-designed Wide-Area Connectivity solutions are also scalable and technology-agnostic, allowing for future expansion and integration of new technologies. They utilise sustainable power solutions where traditional power is unavailable, and quality infrastructure that considers practicality of installation as well as maintenance.