In-Building Coverage (IBC) solutions focus on enhancing cellular network coverage (such as 4G-5G) within indoor environments. By utilising technologies like cellular repeaters, distributed antenna systems (DAS), and small cells, these solutions improve signal strength and network capacity inside buildings. This ensures reliable voice and data services for users within offices, commercial buildings, shopping centres, hotels, and other indoor spaces.

In addition to extending the mobile operator's network indoors, IBC can also integrate private networking through the implementation of Private LTE and Private 5G.

A well-designed IBC solution stands out through its optimised performance, cost-effectiveness, and ease of maintenance. It accurately assesses occupancy and traffic patterns to ensure adequate capacity, incorporates future-proofing elements for easy upgrades, and provides uniform coverage throughout the building, including hard-to-reach areas. Quality solutions also effectively manage interference, comply with regulatory standards, and seamlessly integrate with existing infrastructure while maintaining building aesthetics.