The Solutions section is all about how to use our equipment and technology to deliver robust, efficient, and innovative connectivity solutions for your stakeholders. This knowledgebase serves as a guide for our partners, offering insight into the practical application of our equipment and systems. Within each category, you'll find a wealth of information covering the entire lifecycle of solution development, from initial design, build, commission, troubleshooting, and ongoing support.

In-Building Coverage (IBC) solutions focus on enhancing cellular network coverage (such as 4G-5G) within indoor environments. By utilising technologies like cellular repeaters, distributed antenna systems (DAS), and small cells, these solutions improve signal strength and network capacity inside buildings. This ensures reliable voice and data services for users within offices, commercial buildings, shopping centres, hotels, and other indoor ...

Enterprise Wireless solutions involve the deployment and management of wireless networks within enterprise environments. This includes technologies such as WiFi, LoRaWAN, and industrial mesh networks to provide wireless connectivity for corporate networks, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and automation systems. These solutions are tailored to support high user densities, secure communications, and seamless mobility within buildings or campus ...

Wide-Area Connectivity (WAC) solutions aim to provide network connectivity over large outdoor areas. These solutions address the challenges of delivering reliable communications in expansive environments such as agricultural properties, mine sites, wind farms, and national parks. Technologies employed may include a combination cellular networks, point-to-multipoint, mesh networks, and LEO communications to extend coverage beyond traditional ...

Last-Mile Access (LMA) solutions focus on delivering network access directly to end-users or devices, often representing the final segment between the service provider and the end-point. These solutions provide reliable and high-speed connectivity to specific locations or devices using technologies such as cellular networks, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, bonding techniques, and wireless links. They are essential in both urban and remote ...

Interconnections involve establishing high-capacity, point-to-point links between two locations, assets, or network nodes. These solutions utilise technologies such as microwave links, optics, and millimeter-wave to enable robust, scalable, and secure data transmission between sites. Interconnections are critical for connecting office buildings, data centers, radio towers, or any sites requiring dedicated and direct communication channels.

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Mobile Boosting solutions generally involve consumer-oriented kits designed to enhance cellular signal strength within homes, vehicles, and boats. These solutions make use of cellular repeater and antenna packages that capture weak outdoor cellular signals and amplify them to rebroadcast stronger signals inside the target area. Mobile Boosting products are typically pre-packaged kits that can be purchased and self-installed by end-users or can be ...