The Americas ITU region stretches from the icy terrains of Canada in the North to the vibrant landscapes of Argentina in the South. It includes North, Central, and South America along with the Caribbean, encompassing a rich mix of cultures, economies, and geographies. From the tech hubs of Silicon Valley to the Amazonian rainforests of Brazil, this region is a blend of innovation and tradition. Telecommunications in the Americas sees a mix of mature markets with high internet penetration, like the US and Canada, and emerging markets aiming to expand their digital footprints.

ITU The Americas region outline

4G Coverage & Internet Use (% of Population)

Top Ten 4G Bands


The are 50 countries in this region.

anguilla on the world map

Anguilla, a British overseas territory in the Caribbean, despite its geographical challenges and small population, has a robust telecommunications sector with widespread coverage of both mobile and broadband services. The island's hilly terrain and scattered population have necessitated innovative solutions, including the strategic placement of telecoms infrastructure to maximise coverage. However ...

Regulatory Body
Anguilla Public Utilities Commission
Antigua Barbuda world map

Antigua and Barbuda's telecommunications landscape presents both unique challenges and solutions due to its geographical composition and population distribution. Being a two-island nation in the Caribbean, it faces geographical challenges, particularly in providing consistent telecommunications coverage across both islands. The population, although small, is dispersed across the two islands, with ...

Regulatory Body
Ministry of Information, Broadcasting, Telecommunications and Information Technology
argentina on the world map

Stretching over approximately 2.8 million square kilometres, including vast plateaus, densely populated cities, and even remote areas in Andean mountains and Patagonian steppe, Argentina's terrain presents a significant geographical challenge to the establishment of telecommunications networks. However, despite the population being largely concentrated in urban areas like Buenos Aires, innovative ...

Regulatory Body
Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones ENACOM
Aruba on the world map

Aruba is a small island in the Caribbean and a constituent country of the Netherlands. Despite being just over 30 kilometres in length, its telecommunications infrastructure caters for a population of over 105,000 residents and a booming tourism industry. The island's flat terrain and tiny size have enabled complete mobile network coverage, with innovative solutions, like underwater cables to ...

Regulatory Body
Directie Telecommunicatiezaken
Bahamas on the world map

The Bahamas' technology landscape is marked by both unique challenges, largely due to its geographical makeup. The country's 700 islands, scattered across 100,000 square miles of ocean, present distinct logistical hurdles for infrastructure set-up and maintenance. Given the dispersed population, network coverage can be sporadic and inconsistent. To address this issue, Bahamas Telecommunications ...

Regulatory Body
Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority URCA
barbados on the world map

Barbados' technology landscape is marked by its geographic limitations and population distribution. As a small island nation, laying extensive network cables poses a challenge. However, Barbados has circumvented this problem with the investment in wireless technologies, including 4G and 5G networks. Most of the population is concentrated along the coast, with the capital, Bridgetown, serving as a ...

Regulatory Body
Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs, Telecommunications, and Investment
Belize map

Belize, a Central American nation, faces the inherent challenges of dispersed population centres and varied terrain in the deployment and maintenance of telecommunications. The majority of Belize's populace resides near the coast and in larger cities like Belize City and Orange Walk, while the difficult-to-reach northern regions have sparse population. This distribution requires unique strategies ...

Regulatory Body
Public Utilities Commission PUC
Bermuda map

Located in the North Atlantic, the Island of Bermuda has embraced technology and telecommunications in a meaningful way to bridge the geographical barriers. Despite its small population, the island is densely populated, with a high degree of urbanisation. This concentration of population has made the distribution of telecommunication services relatively straightforward. One of the island's most ...

Regulatory Body
Regulatory Authority of Bermuda
Bolivia world map

Bolivia, located in South America, is primarily made up of mountainous highlands and spreads its population unevenly, with many residing in the western parts of the country. This makes the implementation of standard telecommunications infrastructure challenging due to geographical constraints. Nevertheless, Bolivia has made remarkable progress in the field of telecommunications, having launched ...

Regulatory Body
Autoridad de Regulación y Fiscalización de Telecomunicaciones y Transportes ATT
Brazil world map

Brazil, a diverse and expansive country, presents unique challenges and opportunities in both technologies and telecommunications. Its vast geography, coupled with population clusters primarily in coastal areas, necessitates innovative solutions for connectivity. Brazil has adopted satellite technology to serve remote locations, such as the Amazon region, overcoming geographical barriers. In ...

Regulatory Body
Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações - ANATEL
British Virgin Islands Map

The British Virgin Islands (BVI), a group of islands in the Caribbean, is geographically dispersed, consisting of around 60 islands and cays, with roughly 30,000 residents spread across 15 inhabited islands. This presents unique challenges in terms of telecommunications infrastructure due to the difficulty of connecting such a variety of islands. Technological innovation in BVI sees the country ...

Regulatory Body
Telecommunications Regulatory Commission TRC
canada world map

Canada, characterised by a vast land area and low population density, has unique challenges in telecommunications and technology infrastructure deployment. Most of its population is concentrated in metropolitan areas near the southern border, leaving the northern regions sparsely populated. This is exemplified in Nunavut territory, where extreme weather, isolation and rough terrain necessitate ...

Regulatory Body
Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission
cayman islands world map

The Cayman Islands are a British Overseas Territory consisting of three islands located in the Western Caribbean Sea. While the country's population is concentrated in the largest island, Grand Cayman, the demand for telecommunications services extends to the smaller islands, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman. Noteworthy is their implementation of undersea fibre-optic cables, an innovative solution to ...

Regulatory Body
Information & Communications Technology Authority
chile world map

Chile, a long, narrow country stretching along South America's western edge, presents unique challenges and opportunities in terms of technology and telecommunications. With its diverse geography ranging from deserts in the north to mountains and glaciers in the south, the country has developed distinctive infrastructure solutions to cater to its nearly 20 million inhabitants distributed unevenly ...

Regulatory Body
Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones
columbia world map

Colombia, set in the northwest of South America, is a nation of diverse terrain ranging from coastlines to rugged mountains. Its population centres, primarily found in the metropolitan areas of Bogota, Medellin, and Cali, are well connected through a widespread telecommunications network. However, meagre infrastructure exists in rural sections, causing a digital divide. To counter this, the ...

Regulatory Body
Agencia Nacional del Espectro ANE