Botswana Telecommunications Corporation (BTC) is a telecommunications and Internet service provider that was established in 1980. The corporation is headquartered in Gaborone, Botswana and was initially a government entity. BTC was responsible for the development, operation, and management of Botswana's national and international telecommunications services. The Botswana government holds 100% equity in the company, making it a parastatal organisation. In 1996, an amendment of the BTC Act allowed indirect competition from two cellular companies, Mascom and Orange Botswana, ending BTC's monopoly as the sole telecommunications provider in Botswana. In 2012, BTC transitioned into a public company and was registered as Botswana Telecommunications Corporation Limited (BTCL). It is now a public entity listed on the Botswana Stock Exchange. BTC works closely with the two major mobile operators in Botswana, Mascom and Orange Botswana. In 2008, BTC established a mobile arm, beMOBILE.
Botswana Telecommunications Corporation, beMobile
Mobile Network Operator
BTC Botswana logo

btc 3G Network

The company announced the launch of 3G UMTS over B1 (2100 MHz) in 2014.

Network Frequency Band Status

btc 4G Network

The company launched its 4G LTE network in April 2017, two years later than its rivals. 4G operates over B3 (1800 MHz) after the company was awarded a 10 MHz spectrum allocation in 2015.

4G Frequency Bands
Network Frequency Band Max. Channel Bandwidth Status