Timor Telecom, S.A. (TT) is a telecommunications company based in Dili, the capital of East Timor. The company was formed as a result of a telecommunications infrastructure tender launched by the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) in 2001, following the destruction of the previous infrastructure during the 1999 crisis. The tender was won by the Timor Telecom consortium, led by Portugal Telecom, in July 2002. The consortium was then transformed into Timor Telecom, S.A., the first corporation in newly independent East Timor, on 17 October 2002. The company was granted a monopoly on telecommunications in East Timor for 15 years under the concession agreement.

Timor Telecom began operating the country's first national telecommunications network on 1 March 2003. In 2010, the East Timorese government lifted the company's monopoly in response to public opinion favouring liberalisation. In 2013, Portugal Telecom and Oi, S.A., a Brazilian telecommunications company, announced a merger to form a new Brazil-based entity. The merged company retained its interests in Timor Telecom. In 2017, Oi received approval from a Rio de Janeiro district court to sell its stake in Timor Telecom to Investec. Today, Timor Telecom operates under the new liberalised telecommunications policy, continually expanding its range of services and introducing new technologies.

Mobile Network Operator