Duplexing in RF communications is a technique used to facilitate two-way communication over a single channel, allowing both transmission and reception of signals. The key challenge in duplexing is to manage the bidirectional flow of information without interference between the transmitted and received signals. This is achieved by arranging organising how the channel is shared for sending and receiving data, ensuring efficient and reliable communication in various RF applications. Duplexing is fundamental to many communication systems, providing the framework for how signals are handled in both directions, whether for voice, data, or other types of transmissions.

Name Full Name Description
FDD Frequency Division Duplex

A communication technology that uses separate frequency bands for transmitting and receiving operations. This technique enables simultaneous bi-directional communication by allocating one frequency band for upstream (transmission from the user equipment to the base station) and another distinct frequency band for downstream (transmission from the...

TDD Time Division Duplex

A wireless communication technique that uses a single frequency band for both transmitting and receiving operations but separates these operations in time. In a TDD system, upstream (transmission from user equipment to base station) and downstream (transmission from base station to user equipment) transmissions take place in different time slots...

HD-FDD Half Duplex Frequency Division Duplexing

A communication method that employs separate frequency bands for transmitting and receiving operations, much like ordinary full duplex FDD. However, in HD-FDD, the transmitting and receiving operations do not occur simultaneously. Instead, the system switches between transmission and reception. While HD-FDD systems still require a pair of frequency...

SDL Supplemental Downlink

A radio communication strategy primarily used in 4G LTE and 5G NR systems where additional spectrum is allocated exclusively for downlink (base station to user equipment) communication. This method is particularly useful in situations where there is asymmetrical traffic demand, typically with a higher demand for downlink data. SDL bands are used in...

SUL Supplemental Uplink

SUL is a technique used in NR (5G) systems to allocate additional spectrum specifically for uplink (user equipment to base station) communication. This method can be beneficial in scenarios where there is a higher demand for uplink data transmission, such as in IoT applications where many devices may be sending data to the network. It is similar to...