Congo-Kinshasa, officially known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), is a vast African nation with geographical features ranging from the rainforests of the Congo Basin to the highlands and savannas in the south. The country's population is unevenly distributed, largely concentrated in urban areas like Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, and Mbuji-Mayi. Its substantial rural population often faces accessibility challenges due to the country's size and challenging terrain, which can limit the reach of infrastructure. The DRC also faces electricity supply issues, with less than 20% of the population having access to electricity. Existing infrastructure is underdeveloped and often unreliable, especially in remote regions. However, the DRC has recently seen growth in mobile telephony, largely due to the lack of fixed line infrastructure. Mobile service providers have capitalised on this gap, offering innovative solutions like mobile money services. In terms of renewable energy, the DRC has significant potential in hydroelectric power, especially with the Congo River and its tributaries. Despite these opportunities, harnessing this potential has been hampered by political instability, logistical challenges and inadequate investment.

Mobile Network Operators
The are 4 companies operating mobile networks in this region.

Airtel RDC is a telecommunications network operating in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The company began operations in 2000 as a GSM mobile services provider. It is a subsidiary of Airtel Africa plc, an Indian multinational company that provides telecommunications and mobile money services in 14 countries across Africa. Airtel Africa is majority owned by Bharti Airtel, an Indian telecommunications company. The company was established as part of Bharti Airtel's acquisition of Zain's mobile operations in 15 African countries in June 2010.

Orange RDC is the second largest mobile network operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The company began operations in 2001 as Congo Chine Télécoms (CCT), a joint venture between Chinese ZTE Corporation (51%) and the Congolese state government (49%). In 2011 the company was wholly acquired by French multinational Orange Group and rebranded as Orange RDC in December 2012.

Vodacom Congo (RDC), branded as Vodacom, is the largest mobile network operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The company entered the mobile services market in 2001 with the launch of GSM cellular services. Vodacom operates as a subsidiary of South African Vodacom Group, who hold a 51% controlling stake in the company, the remainder held by Congolese Wireless Networks s.p.r.l.