Mozambique, located in Southeast Africa, is known for its extensive coastal stretch and variable terrain which includes mountains in the west and high plateaus in the north. Its population of approximately 32 million is unevenly distributed, with a majority residing in rural areas and a significant concentration in the capital, Maputo. This geographic and population distribution presents unique challenges for the deployment of infrastructure and technology. Mozambique's telecommunications sector is still in a developing stage, with limited coverage in rural and remote areas. The country has shown progress in adopting new technologies, particularly in the use of mobile services, but there is still a significant digital divide. Renewable energy infrastructure is also in a nascent state, with potential for growth particularly in solar and hydroelectric power due to the country's favourable climate and river systems. The country's technology sector is also growing, with notable innovations in agricultural technology and mobile banking. However, further growth is constrained by issues such as unreliable electricity supply and low levels of digital literacy.

Mobile Network Operators
The are 3 companies operating mobile networks in this region.

Telecomunicações de Moçambique is a telecommunications company operating in Mozambique. Established in 1981, the company is a state-owned entity, under the purview of the Mozambican government. It provides a wide range of telecommunications services within the country. Network operator mcel merged with TDM mid-2016, which was completed during 2019. The network is branded as Tmcel.