Djibouti, located in the Horn of Africa, is characterised by its arid climate and sparse population distribution. Most of its 1.1 million population, over 600,000 people, is concentrated in the capital city of Djibouti. The nation faces unique infrastructure challenges due to its geographical makeup with a lack of renewable energy resources and a largely underdeveloped telecommunications sector. However, Djibouti has made substantial strides in its digital infrastructure, hosting an extraordinary number of undersea fibre optic cables connecting East Africa with the rest of the world. This has earned it a strategic position in global telecommunications, serving as a digital gateway for East Africa. In the renewables sector, geothermal energy exploration has shown promise due to the country's location in the East African Rift System, an area with high geothermal potential. However, harnessing this potential requires significant technological and infrastructure investment.

ITU Region
Geographic Region
Regulatory Body
Ministère de la Communication, chargé des Postes et des Télécommunications
djibouti world map

Mobile Network Operators

The are 1 companies operating mobile networks in this region.

Djibouti Telecom

Djibouti Telecom, previously branded as Evatis, is the sole mobile network operating in Djibouti. The company was formed in September 1999 following the privatisation and merger of the Telecommunications Service of the Office of Post and Telecommunications (OPT) and the International Telecommunications Company of Djibouti (STID).

Wireless Spectrum Bands