Nauru, a small island nation in Micronesia, northeast of Australia, has a land area of just 21 square kilometres, thus making it the world's third-smallest country. Its population of about 12,000 people is concentrated in a narrow coastal belt. The country's remote location and compact population distribution pose unique challenges to the development and implementation of technology and telecommunications infrastructure, particularly in terms of cost-effectiveness and feasibility. There is limited internet penetration, with a rate of 62% recorded in 2022, indicating a still developing sector. Infrastructure innovations are evident in the utilisation of satellite technology for communication needs, but terrestrial broadband infrastructure is practically non-existent. Nauru's energy sector is also underdeveloped, with a heavy reliance on diesel generation, though there is an increasing focus on harnessing solar energy.

Mobile Network Operators
The are 1 companies operating mobile networks in this region.