Niger, a landlocked country in West Africa, is one of the largest on the continent with a diverse geography that ranges from the Sahara desert in the north to fertile regions in the south. The population of roughly 26 million is primarily located in the southern regions, with Niamey, the capital, being the most populous city. Niger's infrastructure is developing, with limited road and rail networks present, particularly in remote areas. The telecommunications sector is similarly in a developing phase, with a mobile penetration rate of about 60% and internet usage at roughly 15% (2022). Unique solutions have been implemented to overcome geographical challenges, such as solar-powered mobile phone charging stations in remote regions. The renewable energy sector is also emerging, with potential for solar power due to high sun exposure and wind energy in the desert regions.

ITU Region
Geographic Region
Regulatory Body
Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications et de la Poste
Niger world map

Mobile Network Operators

The are 4 companies operating mobile networks in this region.

Airtel Niger is a telecommunications company operating in Niger. It is a subsidiary of Bharti Airtel Limited, an Indian multinational telecommunications services company based in New Delhi. Bharti Airtel Limited was founded in 1984 by Sunil Mittal, initially dealing in push-button phones. By 1992, the company had successfully bid for one of the four mobile phone network licenses auctioned in India, marking its entry into the mobile telecom business. The company launched services in Delhi in 1995 under the brand name Airtel.

In 2000, Bharti Airtel Limited started its expansion outside India...


Moov Niger is a telecommunications company that operates within Niger. Established in 2008, the company is a subsidiary of Maroc Telecom, a leading telecom operator in Morocco. Maroc Telecom acquired Moov Niger as part of a broader acquisition of six African subsidiaries from Etisalat, a UAE-based telecommunications services provider. Moov Niger provides a variety of telecommunications services, including mobile and internet services, to the Nigerien market. The company's ownership lies primarily with Maroc Telecom, which is majority-owned by the UAE's Etisalat group.


Niger Telecoms is a telecommunications company operating in Niger. The company provides a range of telecom services to individuals and businesses in the region. It is a key player in the telecommunications sector of Niger, contributing to the country's digital infrastructure and communication needs.

Zamani Telecom is a telecommunications network operating in Niger. The company's corporate ownership details are not readily available.
Wireless Spectrum Bands