Venezuela, located in South America, boasts a diverse geography ranging from the Andes Mountains to the Caribbean coastline, Amazon rainforest, llanos (plains), and the Orinoco River Delta. Its population of approximately 28 million is largely concentrated in the northern regions, especially in the capital, Caracas, and other major cities such as Maracaibo and Valencia. This distribution presents challenges for telecommunications and technology infrastructure, particularly in remote and rural areas. Venezuela's telecommunications sector has experienced significant growth, yet it remains underdeveloped with issues such as restricted access and limited capacity. The country's power sector relies heavily on hydropower, with the Guri Dam (Central Hidroeléctrica Simón Bolívar) being a remarkable infrastructure development. The technology sector, while growing, is also in a development stage with a focus on software development, e-commerce, and IT services.

ITU Region
Geographic Region
Regulatory Body
Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones de Venezuela CONATEL
Venezuela world map

Mobile Network Operators

The are 3 companies operating mobile networks in this region.

Digitel is a telecommunications company based in Venezuela, recognised as the first in the country to deploy a GSM network and establish a per second charging scheme. The company was established with an initial focus on servicing Venezuela's central region, reaching approximately 44% of the population. In 2000, Digitel underwent significant changes in its corporate ownership, selling 56.56% of its stocks to Telecom Italia Mobile and subsequently rebranding as Digitel TIM.

In 2006, the company was fully acquired by the Televenco group, along with two other GSM networks, Digicel and Infonet...


Movilnet is a leading telecommunications company operating in Venezuela. Established in 1991, the company offers a range of telecommunication services, including mobile and fixed telephony services. Movilnet is a subsidiary of CANTV (Compañía Anónima Nacional de Teléfonos de Venezuela), the state-run telephone and internet service provider in Venezuela. CANTV was founded in 1930 and is the largest telecommunications provider in the country. Initially privatised in 1991, CANTV was re-nationalised in 2007 under the leadership of Hugo Chavez. As such, Movilnet operates under the ownership and...


Movistar Venezuela is a telecommunications company that operates in Venezuela. It is a subsidiary of the Spanish telecommunications giant, Telefónica. The company was established following Telefónica's acquisition of the BellSouth mobile operations branch in South America in 2005. The Movistar brand, which had been used by Telefónica in Spain since 1995, was then applied globally, including in Venezuela. Despite Telefónica's acquisition of O2 in the same year, the Movistar brand was maintained in Hispanic American countries. This decision resulted in the company operating under its own board...

Wireless Spectrum Bands