Papua New Guinea (PNG), located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, has a diverse geography and population distribution. The nation comprises over 600 islands and diverse terrains like rugged highlands, coastal lowlands, and dense rainforests, which pose infrastructural challenges for comprehensive connectivity. Its estimated population of 11 million people speak some 839 known languages and are dispersed over these regions with many residing in isolated, rural communities. Despite these challenges, PNG has shown resilience and innovation with the adoption of mobile technology, which has grown exponentially due to the difficult terrain making traditional wired connections impractical. The fixed broadband market remains underdeveloped and mobile network operators provide the bulk of internet connectivity. However, the country is working on improving its cable and satellite networks, backed by international partners. The renewables sector is still embryotic, but with abundant sunlight, wind, and hydropower resources, there's potential for growth.
Mobile Network Operators
The are 2 companies operating mobile networks in this region.