Serbia, located in Southeast Europe, is a landlocked country with diverse topography, including mountains, plains and river valleys, potentially presenting both challenges and opportunities for the deployment of telecommunications and renewable technologies. The population of approximately 6.7 million people is distributed unevenly, with a concentration in urban areas including the capital, Belgrade, which may necessitate different technology solutions for urban and rural areas. Serbia has a region of disputed territory, Kosovo, which may present additional complexities in technology implementation. In terms of existing infrastructure, Serbia has shown innovation with the deployment of triple-play services (combining internet, television and telephone services) over fixed broadband networks. The country's telecommunications sector is considered mature, with strong mobile and broadband penetration rates. Renewable energy, however, is still a developing sector in Serbia and despite major hydropower projects lignite coal still dominantes the country's energy portfolio. The technology sector is growing, underpinned by a well-educated workforce and government support for digital transformation and innovation.

Mobile Network Operators
The are 3 companies operating mobile networks in this region.